(copy pasted from a post i made in a thread on the BBS in reply to this video. )
I find it odd how the people who are against cartoon violence and video game violence are also usually the same people who are telling kids to join the army ... and kill people for real <.<
bleh. Whether or not they're sick of the argument that it's just a game or not, the fact still stands that it is just a game, and that people aren't likely to go against their morals in real life just for the sake of either seeing someone else do it or pretending to do it in a game. When I watched Batman as a kid, i didn't go out and roam the streets looking for thieves and murderers to beat up. When I played grand theft auto, I didn't beat up a policeman for their gun and go on a killing spree afterwards. However much it annoys someone, real life and video games aren't the same, and everyone knows that. We can act responsibly without pessimist activists imposing psychological laws on our families.
EDIT: On an unrelated note, if you use the Slayer 2 plugin in together with Guitar Amp Pro in Logic, the sound is orgasmic O_O
soooooo true