View Profile HaniiPuppy
Email address is Hanii.puppy at googlemail dot com.

Age 33, Male

Disgruntled Scotsman


The City of Discovery

Joined on 2/18/08

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HaniiPuppy's News

Posted by HaniiPuppy - April 28th, 2010

I can't keep chasing all the things that might have been.
Should I stop or should I carry on?
I try to think of what I did that did fate wrong.
Am I found or am I lost?
And do I have the will to face the dawn?

I write on this in hopes that someone finds my thoughts,
and reassures my love forlorn heart.
Maybe you don't need to be forever in my freams.
Feel my thoughts as if they were your own.
... I wonder who you are.


When I was drunk and feeling down, I wrote that on the back of a beer mat and decided to copy in into my iPod.

huh o.o

Posted by HaniiPuppy - April 14th, 2010

These letters are useless, and G is severely misused. I propose:

1) We abolish J.
1.1) A soft J sound (as in Je ne sais quois) shall be represented by Zh, following the pattern already established by S and Sh.
1.2) A hard J sound (as in Pajamas, Jump, etc.) shall be represented by Dzh. (A hard J sound is just a soft J sound preceded immediately by a D)

2) We restrict G.
2.1) Where it would normally represent a soft J sound (as in Peugeot) shall be replaced with Zh.
2.2) Where it would normally represent a hard J sound (as in Page, Stooge, etc.) shall be replaced with Dzh.
2.3) Where it would normally represent a G sound (as in Game, Ghost, Gimp, etc.) shall not be replaced.

3) We abolish C.
3.1) Where it represents an S sound shall be replaced with S.
3.2) Where it represents a K sound shall be replaced with K.
3.3) Where it is used in Ch to represent a Tsh sound, it shall be replaced with Tsh.
3.4) Where is it used in Ch to represent a [x] sound (as in Loch), it shall be replaced with Kh.

4) We abolish Q.
4.1) Where it represents a simple K sound (as in Qat, Quran, etc.) it'll be replaced with K.
4.2) Where it represents a Ky sound, it'll be replaced with Ky.
4.2.1) Where Qu is used to represent a Ky sound instead of just Q, Qu shall be replaced with Ky.
4.3) Where it represents a Kw sound, it'll be replaced with Kw.
4.3.1) Where Qu is used to represent a Kw sound instead of just Q (as in Queen, Squack, etc.), it'll be replaced with Kw.

5) We abolish X.
5.1) Where it is used to represent a Ks sound, it shall be replaced with Ks.
5.1.1) Except in American English, where it shall be replaced with Gz because of the difference in pronunciation.
5.2) Where it is used to represent a Z sound (as in Xenophobia), it shall be replaced with Z.


James will become Dzhames.
Cat and Qat will become Kat.
Queen will because Kween.
Peugeot will become Peuzheot, although I'd prefer Perzho.
Thrice will become Thrise.
Packet will become Paket.
Xylophone will become Zylophone.
Exit will become Eksit, unless you're in America, in which case it will become Egzit.
Chocolate will become Tshokolate.
Loch will become Lokh.

And so forth.

And I'm betting that you just read those examples out loud in your head, despite the pronunciation staying the same and only the spelling changing.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - March 28th, 2010

And god did say unto mankind: "Go forth mankind, and multiply, and let thy kin cover the face of the earth, and let thy seed spread beyond thine farthest reaches unto an unimaginable kingdom of Man", to which mankind did, oh so wittily reply, "No, YOU go fuck yourself!"

Posted by HaniiPuppy - March 21st, 2010

"Hello, have you tried Bing?"

"No, what's bing?"

"It's the new decision engine from Microsoft"

"What the hell's a 'decision engine'?"

" ... I dunno, google it."

Posted by HaniiPuppy - March 1st, 2010



Posted by HaniiPuppy - February 20th, 2010

When I was out last night, I met a dutch guy in a pub ... was slightly unsettled talking to him ...

One thing he said that I remember was that he didn't like the girls here (in Scotland) because - and I quote: "They're all like 'stop harassing me or I'll phone the police' "


Posted by HaniiPuppy - February 4th, 2010

Fan wi cuin git it oanline.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - January 16th, 2010

Benny Harvey. RIP.

Fit a bra min. Awe the beest in the beest tæ heem.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - January 3rd, 2010

Now I get to subject everyone to my MSN display messages :D


Posted by HaniiPuppy - September 25th, 2009

Recalling a reply delivered by a young punk, Rabbie Burns, to a over-eager fur-seller:

Næ mere mortal cid afford it,
an ih widnæ gæn dæ somin sordit,
jis sæn I cid gæn an hord it,
wis awe cin tell.
Ih widnæ spend fur jis tæ lord it;
gæn fuck yir sell.