View Profile HaniiPuppy
Email address is Hanii.puppy at googlemail dot com.

Age 33, Male

Disgruntled Scotsman


The City of Discovery

Joined on 2/18/08

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HaniiPuppy's News

Posted by HaniiPuppy - May 14th, 2008

Why do people go oooonnn and ooonnn about patriotism as though it's a good thing? What good is loyalty to some random geographical location where you happen to be born? I mean, doing what you can to help your community is all good and fine, you see people like that all over the planet, helping out different parts of the world, and freedom fighters when a nation is being oppressed, but patriotism, pride in your random spot of dirt, isn't the will to help the people around you, it's just a feeling that gives you a high sense of pride in useless trivia (like "oh, we still have the monarchy, placed there by god himself", or "our national dress consists of psychedelic monkey-suit and a hat so ridiculous that could make a giant pink-polka-dotted sombrero jealous") and an inflamed sense of hatred against anyone who happens to be born on any particular other spot of random dirt.

And now that i've mentioned the monarchy, all these monarchs couldn't have honestly believed they were sent by god! (Monarchy relies on a Royal family that is believed to lead the people to do God's bidding) Saint Joan of Arc and Henry V or VI both believed they were doing God's bidding, but they were fighting each-other. Did Bonnie Prince Charlie and King George II really believe they were obeying God's will by playing a monumental-scale version of Chess? Either the whole idea of religious leadership is completely screwed up and pointless, or there is a god, but he's a sick bastard who delights in the death, misery, and torture of his own creations.

The king is dead, long live the king, and this is the new fascist regime. (see Shakespeare and The Sex Pistols)

Posted by HaniiPuppy - May 9th, 2008

Currently working on:

Broken Star
Hippies, Punks, and Goths
Eviscreation Nation
Live By The Chord (Die By The Chord)

... I need a better attention span, it seems like just as I'm making great headway with one song, i lose interest and start on another lol. I will finish them though lol, because I'm working on 5 different songs, i have a different one to work on for each mood :P

EDIT: If your wondering why i'm posting news even though i've only had one comment (3 if you include useless spamming idiots), then it's because i'm treating it more like a journal than a news thingy =p i'd just simply keep a journal, but i cba to do that xD

Posted by HaniiPuppy - April 19th, 2008

why do i refer to religious figures so much? i'm not even religious, i'm agnostic o.o but i guess that makes it perfectly fine for me break religion-specific rules while obeying others ... i could really screw people up xD .... specifically, priests ... what's funner than screwing up priests with bizarre levels of religious devotion? "Forgive me father, for i have sinned" "What have you done, my son" "i have used the toilet" "son, in the eyes of the lord, that is not a sin" "god-damn-it!" ... it could herald a new age of conveniency taken to ridiculous extremes ... instead of wasting time sinning then going to confession, you could just sin AT confession. the same could go for crime and prison, rebellion and discipline, etc. who knows? this time next year, we may have several months free time because of all that time we didn't have to do stuff :D

Posted by HaniiPuppy - April 7th, 2008

how on earth did i get a garbage whistle status? i never even use the thing.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - March 26th, 2008

What's one of the most annoying things that can happen to you?

This morning, i woke up at around 3am. I had this english test to finish off (i was around 1/3 of the way through) and i spent hours typing, checking, and making sure it was good to pass ... then i woke up at 8:25am and realised that didn't actually do it, i just dreamt i did it >.< i wondered why my printer was through here in the bedroom printing off comic strips ...