View Profile HaniiPuppy
Email address is Hanii.puppy at googlemail dot com.

Age 33, Male

Disgruntled Scotsman


The City of Discovery

Joined on 2/18/08

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HaniiPuppy's News

Posted by HaniiPuppy - August 7th, 2009

Due to the recent Goa'uld invasion of earth, you are no longer allowed to call Jaffa Cakes "Jaffa Cakes" any more:- You are now supposed to refer to them as "Freedom Cakes"

Posted by HaniiPuppy - August 2nd, 2009

°Dons party hat and blows party blower° <.<

I can now buy alcohol <3 ... without having to worry about being ID'd <3

Posted by HaniiPuppy - July 27th, 2009

- You can't add or edit anything without someone picking a fight.
- Everyone with an account there that's been there longer than a month feels as though they're better than everyone else - and thus give out unbacked warnings to people they don't like like there's no tomorrow.
- You can't create an article without it being deleted you a pile of people giving you unbacked bogus warnings (see above)
- When writing, making the slightest of implications that something fictional is real gets you banned.
- Unless you're writing in a sci-fi or fiction article, in which case making the slightest implication that the fiction you're writing about isn't real gets you banned.
- World viewpoints are ignored in favour of american viewpoints, disregarding the validity (or lack of).
- America is over-emphasised like mad. (take, for instance, swine flu. When swine flu had taken around 600-700 lives in mexico, the wikipedia listed every single remote suspected case in america, organised by state in alphabetical order (this was before swine flu broke out there), but mexico's hundreds of deaths received nothing more than a "There have been over 600 deaths reported in mexico."
- People try to find any possible reason they can to revert your edits, even if you're just correcting spelling.
- People look through your contributions and try to find a reason to revert all of them.
- The creation of certain articles are banned because of "lack of notability", disregarding the fact that the point of the wikipedia is that it doesn't have the restrictions that physical encyclopædias have.
- They refuse to allow linking to other wikis - which, when combined with the above, leaves a massive irreparable hole in the knowledge accessible from wikipedia.
- You bloody get banned for expanding on articles that are deemed not notable enough. I mean, what the fuck?
- The people that have been put in charge of it by it's founders are ignorant, arrogant, obtuse, and -oddly enough- inconsistently stubborn.

Yes, I just felt like a bit of a rant <.<

Posted by HaniiPuppy - June 10th, 2009

I went to Pedro Panucci's Costa De La Pasta restaurant. I started with the Garlic Tortillas, for the main meal I had a Carbonara Taco with Chili and Neapolitan sauces, and for afters I had Tiramisu with Cajeta. As a side dish, I had Nachos with Nutella as the local Occitan Mariachi band was playing and the staff was watching an Italy V Mexico football game where they were cheering no matter what happened. As I was leaving, I was told "Ciao Señor".

To top it off, I was served by a chinese american speaking a mix of english and german in a very strong welsh accent.

I've never experienced quite so much ethnic, culinary, nationalistic, and general confusion in all my puff.

When you enter an ethnic restaurant, you usually find out if that was an Italian flag or a Mexican flag once you see the menu. I left even more confused and full of questions than when I entered. Who'd have thought a green, white, and orange flag could cause so much confusion?

Posted by HaniiPuppy - May 22nd, 2009


Posted by HaniiPuppy - May 11th, 2009

As can be witnessed this thread, among many other places, people seem to be acting like this was the first face transplant ever, of course forgetting the french woman in -2005- that had dogs rip off her face and had to have a new one donated from a dead woman.

See the news article from the time here.

I mean, it's not even like no-one knew about it and it was an obscure happening, it was plastered all over the papers and it provided talking points for almost all of the quizcoms for weeks to come. It made world-wide news. ffs, it only happened approximately 3½ years ago.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - May 11th, 2009

The eternal flame that doth not die through day nor night shall incite the bird of fray from its shame, its sorrowful respite.

... I just made that up off-the-spot, philosophy took me by surprise :P

Posted by HaniiPuppy - April 1st, 2009

If you google the phrase "Disgruntled Scotsman" (in speech marks), the fourth result down is one of my other newsposts XD

Posted by HaniiPuppy - March 30th, 2009

A horse walks into a bar.

The barman asks "Why the long face?"

The horse says "My wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer ;_; "


A pair of feet walk into a bar.

The barman asks "Why so happy?"

The feet say "The horse was married to Jade Goody :D "


(Somehow, I know I'm going to be flamed for this XD )

Posted by HaniiPuppy - March 23rd, 2009

The police be able to enforce law and order more efficiently if they'd just discuss what the person was doing wrong, the punishment where it's due, and what they can do to improve their behaviour, instead of ranting and raving at person.

The perfect example of role reversal just displayed it's self perfectly on an episode of road warriors (or some show like that ... I don't know, I don't really watch TV much, but these police shows usually end up coming on the channels I watched earlier) where they'd pulled over someone who had a non-unique license plate.

The man had already been stopped a week before and was informed of the problem by the police who stopped him, who told him that he would still be able to drive this vehicle.

Upon being pulled over by the policemen this episode was centering around, it seemed almost ridiculous - the person who was being stopped remained calm and well-formed, whereas the policeman was slowly getting more and more out-of-control; shouting, swearing, and giving abuse to the person. The policeman who pulled him over told him of the problem, told him that he actually had 14 days to fix the problem or he would recieve a fine, and gave him a fine. (despite it only being 7 days after the first stop and the stopee being unaware of any wrongdoing, as he was told otherwise by another police officer)

Through this, the police officer gradually swore and abused the stopee more and more - and at one point calling him "a stupid little fucking child", at which point I loudly swore at the television from across the room and through the remote at it :)

Throughout this, I'm amazed at how calm and suave the stopee has been - even trying to calm down the officer throughout this. I'm a fucking pacifist and even I would have had great difficulty in stopping myself from hitting the policeman.

At the end of it, it switched to the work-partner of the policeman who stopped the man, with him saying "I think he [the man that was stopped] hurt (policeman who I can't remember the name of)'s feelings. I got up (ala broken remote) and switched the channel because if I saw any more of this bollocks, I would be shouting loud enough for other people in other rooms and houses to hear and I soon have a broken TV.

Sorry if parts of this don't make sense - I was fairly angry when writing this entry.