View Profile HaniiPuppy
Email address is Hanii.puppy at googlemail dot com.

Age 33, Male

Disgruntled Scotsman


The City of Discovery

Joined on 2/18/08

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HaniiPuppy's News

Posted by HaniiPuppy - December 25th, 2008

How was your crimbo?

It's good to be the king!

EDIT: Just realised that I seem to have that same "I love you and want to relieve you of your sins" look whenever I take a picture :P

It's good to be the king!

Posted by HaniiPuppy - December 24th, 2008

Merdly Crimbo! :D

Posted by HaniiPuppy - December 23rd, 2008

It's late at night, and one of the only things on right now is one of those daft police shows that follows the police around.

God knows why they put these shows out. Presumably, the police want to improve their image. These shows merely encourage stereotypes about policemen and draw hatred towards the profession.

Even in a single episode, there are numerous examples of things that have become pet-peeves of mine thanks to these shows.

- Policemen assuming everything that's consumable is either a drug or contains drugs. Not every cigarette is a spliff and not every piece of white powder is LSD or Cocaine.
- Upholding laws that they themselves don't agree with. You may disagree with me on this, but there was a policeman who, in his commentary towards the camera, mentioned "what's wrong with pot? It's illegal, thats what" ... and WHY is it illegal? This reasoning is the same as saying "It's marmite that makes this cake taste good - and because this cake tastes good, the marmite in it must be what's making it taste good"
- The crappy, ignorant, egotistical jokes that come out of their mouths. Seriously. They're not funny, they just make you come of as a prat.
- A policeman took an ornamental sword hanging on a wall in someone's house (who turned out to be completely innocent) claiming "I see no reason for him to have this" and took it. That's not justice, that's theft - flat out theft, unless owning anything ornamental has recently become a crime without my knowledge.
- They put on the most annoying voices just to sound good on the camera - turns out just making them sound even more egotistical. Seriously, the phrase "Lack of evidence" for instance does NOT need more emphasis on it than the harry potter books had on magic.
- Pulling over cars based purely on "I have a feeling there's something dodgy about that car"
- Treating victims like criminals and, occasionally, treating criminals like victims. Oh how this reminds me of the time I was fined £40 for being attacked by a few insane neds that -did- have criminal records for doing the exact same thing.

I guess the point of this is that we should be allowed to vote in our police officers like we vote in our politicians. Then maybe the police will be less despised and more admired or respected.

And we should never allow policemen near TV cameras.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - December 7th, 2008

I need to come up with a good idea for a new blog post ...

... but what do post about?

... hmm ...

Posted by HaniiPuppy - November 29th, 2008

In this topic, the original poster is both being horribly racist, and a mod.

Here is a list of the forums rules, the first of the biggies being "Using racist, sexist, homophobic or hateful language." - which I think calling everyone who happens to be french "Arrogant, Cowardly, and Smelly" falls under ...

If anyone else had posted this, they'd be banned now.

I would have posted this in the original thread, but I'd probably be banned for doing so.

Oh yay for racism -.-

Posted by HaniiPuppy - November 14th, 2008

When I woke up this morning, I was a little sore. Thought nothing of it. Until about 10 minutes ago and I looked at my wrist, and I realised I had scratches on my wrist. This wouldn't be anything weird normally, except I don't have any idea what could have caused it. I didn't do it to myself and I didn't have them when I went to sleep. I have a dog, but nobody (not even my dog) has been in my room while I was asleep. Weird.

Woke up with scratches o.o

Posted by HaniiPuppy - November 7th, 2008

Would you rather live fast and die young, or live long enough to be an aging rock star?

Posted by HaniiPuppy - November 6th, 2008

Specifically, concerning this video.

I hope you realise that this video is basically stating "Gays shouldn't get married because it'll mean people will have to tolerate them" ... you could basically use the argument they used for proposition 8 for restricting the rights of --ANY-- minority.

"Black people shouldn't be free because that would mean people would have to tolerate free black people"
"You shouldn't be allowed free speech because you'd have to tolerate people talking"

It's the same argument that people have used throughout history to suppress minorities, making the claim that we have a civil right not to tolerating people based on a factor of their lives that they (in most cases) can't control. It was used in america to suppress black people, it was used in britain to suppress women, it was even used during the time of the crusades to suppress muslims in europe.

"We can't let the muslims get the same treatment as us! We have a civil right to burn and torture them!"

Sound a little extreme? Not for those days. With the rate at which bigotry is dying out in the world, people in a hundred or so years, we will look on the "we have a right not to tolerate gay couples" argument like we today look on the "we have a right not to tolerate muslims/woman voters/black people/etc." from hundreds of years ago.

And on a side note - the quote from the bible often used to justify bigotry to gay people, correctly translated, says "You shall not lie with a man in the bed of a woman, it is frowned upon". Note that nowhere does it say (or even imply) that it's a sin, only that it's frowned upon, and it's specifically referring to "in the bed of a woman" meaning you shouldn't sleep with a man if you're currently married to a woman - a simple extension of the "you shall not commit adultery" commandment.

I'm not a christian, but I read the bible when I was. (It was, in fact, reading that bible that put me off christianity)

Posted by HaniiPuppy - November 3rd, 2008

Good news is that I've been learning more about a useful plugin recently for Logic: The Compressor. You may start to notice you don't have to turn the speakers up full-blast to hear one of my songs at half-blast any more.

Bad news is that my headphones are broken and I'm short on cash. They're cheaper now than they were when I bought them though ... Looks like it's time for an upgrade ^_^

Posted by HaniiPuppy - October 25th, 2008

Just copy+pasting a reply I was making to this thread, but couldn't post it because the thread got locked before I was finished typing.


At 10/25/08 07:08 AM, CyberCr33d wrote:
: At 10/25/08 07:06 AM, AlmostDead1 wrote:
: : At 10/25/08 04:47 AM, CyberCr33d wrote:
: : : look at the "F" buttons right next to "F12" is "Print Screen"
: : : click it, go to paint or whatever you got and then press "Ctrl" and "v"
: :
: : Thats not a fucking mac, thats for a pc you retard GTFO!
: no u, and FYI I figured it out when he had a fucking LAPTOP, jeeze read EVERYTHING before posting, mainly if the topic is small as hell like this

Whether or not it's a laptop or a desktop is irrelevant - it's the software that controls the screenshots, not the hardware.

A couple of tips for you (the OP): You can set custom hotkeys for taking screenshots from the Keyboard Shortcuts part of the Keyboard and Mouse preference pane - I have mine set to take a full screenshot when I hit f11 and a designated screenshot when I hold down command and hit f11.

You can also take a screenshot of a specific object (ie a menu, a window, an icon on your desktop, etc.) by pressing the command for a designated screenshot, mousing over what you want to take a picture of, and clicking when the thing you're taking a picture of becomes highlighted. If you've told your system to save automatically to PNG files, this will produce a translucent picture as opposed to a picture of something translucent with all the gunk behind it when you took the picture.