View Profile HaniiPuppy
Email address is Hanii.puppy at googlemail dot com.

Age 33, Male

Disgruntled Scotsman


The City of Discovery

Joined on 2/18/08

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HaniiPuppy's News

Posted by HaniiPuppy - July 12th, 2008

The following is in reference to this.

http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/693 3/picture15ty8.png

I think it's disgusting that someone should think they could just buy a digestive and walk away with it.

... This is just to point out just how ridiculous it actually is ...

Boy Steals Delicious Biscuit And Gets Death Threats.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - July 8th, 2008

(copy pasted from a post i made in a thread on the BBS in reply to this video. )

I find it odd how the people who are against cartoon violence and video game violence are also usually the same people who are telling kids to join the army ... and kill people for real <.<

bleh. Whether or not they're sick of the argument that it's just a game or not, the fact still stands that it is just a game, and that people aren't likely to go against their morals in real life just for the sake of either seeing someone else do it or pretending to do it in a game. When I watched Batman as a kid, i didn't go out and roam the streets looking for thieves and murderers to beat up. When I played grand theft auto, I didn't beat up a policeman for their gun and go on a killing spree afterwards. However much it annoys someone, real life and video games aren't the same, and everyone knows that. We can act responsibly without pessimist activists imposing psychological laws on our families.

EDIT: On an unrelated note, if you use the Slayer 2 plugin in together with Guitar Amp Pro in Logic, the sound is orgasmic O_O

Posted by HaniiPuppy - July 2nd, 2008

And it came today <3

dunno why i didn't mention it earlier.

Currently installing <3 around 41 gig of software to install o.o;;

Posted by HaniiPuppy - June 28th, 2008

(in reply to my previous post)

Screw that, I just found someone selling Logic Studio for £140 :D

That's crazy cheap O_O I mean, Logic Express is only £20 cheaper than what they're offering Logic Studio for O_O It's a musician's wet-dream.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - June 22nd, 2008

Guess who's getting logic pro :D

My dad found a deal where it's about £210 (including postage + packing)

Incidentally, it comes with all 5 JamPacks free - they're £69 each normally, meaning that I save £135 :D (or if i bought for the full price, i'd still be saving £25 ... how are apple making money? )

Also added a quicky song called Sitar Play.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - June 15th, 2008

People looking for recognition or renown tend to refer, obnoxiously, as "The voice of the Silent Majority", or "those who stand for the silent majority", etc.

Well here's an idea. Just to even things out, i'll stand for the loud minority.

Why? Several reasons. The "Silent Minority" are the kind of people who think the Queen should have total power, the kind of people who think Rock music is the work of Satan, the kind of people who couldn't tell the difference between a punk, a metalhead, a hippy and a chav, but just refers to them collectively as "Youths", the kind of people who bang on and on about equality to those around them, but still use Gay, N****r, Paki, etc. as insults mindlessly. These are the people who run our government, these are the people who watch "reality" crap like Big Brother or Pop Idol, these are the people who claim to praise those who achieve, but really hammer and taunt those who achieve or try to change things for the better, but praise and uphold those who revert back to the mould and destroy advances.

"Why are these people silent?" I hear you ask. I'll tell you why, among the many faults they have, they're also the people who can't be arsed going out to vote because "one vote doesn't really matter". They're the people who say "someone should do something about that" without ever actually lifting a finger themselves. They're the people who keep their thoughts bottled up in their head rather than letting the whole world hear, for fear that they might escape the mould - oh horror of horrors!

The loud majority, as they would theoretically be called, are the movers, the changers, the people who don't just sit on their fat arses all day bitching about what's wrong with the world and actually go out and try to do something about it, the people who will let their voices be heard like a lone voice in the silence of dark insanity. In the words of the infamous 'Think Different' adverts, "These are the people who change things." Admittedly, many choose the wrong choice - and act on them - but in the long run, even those who had chosen the wrong path still do good. Where would we be without the medical advances brought on by the drug obsessions of the 19th century or the animal testing of the 20th? Where would equal-sex rights be without the first world war which granted women the vote thanks to the work done by the Suffragists? Where would Germany be without the great reeperbahns and economy created by the infamous and murderous national socialists? Or even where would modern music be without the Rock and Blues that spawned from the Black Slavery in the US?

Just to round this off, i'll end with this; Achieve something, if you have an opinion on something, don't just sit there bitching about it lie millions of others, DO something about it. And you hear the people who are doing something about it? Ignore the age-old teachings passed down through generations of your family, ignore the ancient mottos of the culture which is turning you into sheep, listen to the round pegs in the square holes - because from them will come the greatest advice you're ever likely to hear in your life.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - June 14th, 2008

The following is a post I was going to make on this thread, but it kinda deviated away from the subject.

If there was only one religion, it would just eliminate the agnostics, but put anti-whatever that religion is-ians/ists/etc. in it's place. And if we had proof of that religion, the atheists would just be replaced with more conspiracists.

Proof or not, the question of whether the god (assuming it's a theistic religion) is a force for good or a wolf in sheep's clothing would remain. You probably don't really understand what I mean.

Take christianity for example (or any of the abrahamic religions), Christians just assume that god created them, is the supreme being, and thus must be good. Saying was correct, there's nothing to say that the good and evil roles of God and The Devil aren't switched. On one side of the line lies Peace, order and civility, but also, slavery and oppression. On the other side, lies disorder, chaos, and crime, but also freedom and choice. There's nothing to say that God is the dark jail-keeper keeping us in mental isolation whereas Lucifer is intent on setting us free, and God wrote the bible to hide this from us. Please note that I'm not particularly religious before you send me PMs telling me to repent or something like that, i just want to wait til i die before i see. Christianity does present a good example for this actually, because there are various point in this bible where it could be hinting towards the idea I've already explained, for example, "Lucifer" (another name for Satan) is means "The Light", ie the Light in the Darkness. or God didn't want Adam or Eve to eat from the apple tree, where the apple is the fruit of knowledge and a greatly held symbol for knowledge, for fear that we'd figure things out and work against him.

Please note i don't actually have any religious preferences and I don't really care one way or another for any particular religion.

Posted by HaniiPuppy - June 9th, 2008

(Before you read, see this thread. I know it's not real, but it's got me thinking about stuff)

In the words of Voltaire, "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

This most famous phrase doesn't stop at opinions or ideas, it can extend to every part of your life, from your tastes in music, clothes, films, etc. to the habits that you don't feel like stopping.

Incidentally, it also co-incides with the pagan philosophy "Do you what will, as as long as you harm none."

There are far more faces of bigotry than just sexism, racism, etc. - people have been judging what other people are like by their clothes for decades. Just because I wear a hoody doesn't instantly turn me into an future convict who throws bricks through windows for fun, just because wear a skull-pendant doesn't immediately make me a necromancer, you get the idea. So where the hell is all this bullcrap about clothes coming from? One of the clubs near where my dad lives in the town has started banning people from wearing Hoodies or Striped shirts/jumpers because, and i quote, "We find that most of the people who cause the trouble are hoodies and stripeys" (ignore the idiocy in that comment). Now, hands up who can see the utter stupidity in this whole ideal? ... anyone? ... very simply, the people who cause trouble aren't going to stop coming , they're just not going to wear hoodies or striped shirts/jumpers!! Not only that, but it also alienates perfectly good people who do wear hoodies or striped shirts/jumpers. By the year 2020, should all clubs perhaps have strict guidelines commanding you from the high heavens of the club offices that you shouldn't wear any clothes at all? Y'know, since people who commit crimes wear clothes! It's a fiendish ploy! I mean, look at gandhi, he's depicted as wearing barely anything at all. Same with Jesus. (Please, no-one comment about strip-clubs, ok? It just sort-of ruins the whole point)

If i want to wear my hoody, I'll wear my hoody. If i want to wear leather gloves, I'll wear leather gloves, If i want to wear a swastika, by god i'll wear a swastika, as long as I'm not tagging along a portable gas chamber.

Looks like George Orwell's book is simply going to happen around half a century later than he'd expected if we continue down this path.

Oh, and on an unrelated note, i've also added a Song and a Loop.

Live By The Chord (Die By The Chord) (One of the songs that was getting backed up)
Kerior (just a crappy piano loop I decided to write :P)

and the conversation on msn where i got the name "Kerior" from :P

Posted by HaniiPuppy - May 25th, 2008

When i was in the town on saturday, i had an idea, and when i came back home, i tried it out.

I've found a way of keeping my voice from sounding sucky ... and it involves running it through a guitar amp ...

Posted by HaniiPuppy - May 20th, 2008

This "Fly" was marked as Ska and got to the first page.
This "This One's For You Jesus" was marked as Ska and got to the first page.
This Travesty only known as "Otaku Speedvibe" was marked as Ska ... and got to the first page ...

This begs the question ... Do most of you even know what Ska IS?!

"Hot Day In July" is Ska, "Harrison Ford Love Tunnel" is Ska, "Dealy Plaza" is Ska, The Yamaguchis' * cover of some crappy random techno song you heard on pop-radio the other day is NOT Ska.

* The Yamaguchis were a band that produced music in Japanese that somehow still sold fairly well in the UK